Master Classes

How Are You S.H.A.P.E.D.

A hour and a half class designed to help you develop your purpose, or to get unstuck, and realize your unrealized potential. You’ll be more assured “you’re perfect for YOUR purpose.”


Offered Monthly

Mind Power

1 hour class that helps you explore the power of your mind to be fueled through faith, hope, memory, and focus


Offered Monthly

Speaking Engagements

Linda is available to speak at your event, for more information please contact her at or 321.948.3376


A list of some of our trainings include: 

  • Courageous Conversations About Mental Well-being: An interactive training designed to foster courageous conversations about mental wellness, reduce stigma, and connect to resources. This training is great for groups, organizations, parents, anyone.

  • Mental Health First Aid Certification: This is a comprehensive training for anyone to have knowledge about the most common mental illnesses, how to know the difference between a crisis and non-crisis situation, and resources. This training can be offered virtually (5.5 hours), blended (online and in person-4.5 hours), or in person (8.5 hours).

  • Custom Training: We are available to design a training course for you. Please contact us for a consultation.
Fully Unleashing, LLC, a for profit business, provides professional counseling and transformational life coaching for women. We utilize in our counseling approach Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, and Mindfulness techniques to help hurting women deal with their past. Our coaching process helps women to experience a journey to real change, a metamorphosis.